
Ansible Tower aka AWX application lifecycle management

AWX on Kubernetes

Hosting AWX on Kubernetes leverages the benefits of better availability and fault tolerance and brings improvements to deployment options, backups, and other parts.


The AWX Operator is the preferred way to install AWX from release 18.0 onwards. The AWX operator is meant to provide a more Kubernetes-native installation method for AWX Tower. AWX Operator manages the AWX instance created using AWX Custom Resource Definition (CRD) and continuously watches the AWX instance deployment for any issues.

Installation of AWX operator and AWX instance has been already explained here. This article discusses the use of external Postgres DB in AWX installation and how to upgrade the AWX version.

Installing AWX instance with external Postgres DB

In order to use external Postgres DB, a k8s secret must be created containing the details for the connection endpoint and credentials for authentication to the Postgres database.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: external-postgres-configuration
  namespace: awx
  port: 5432
  database: awx
  username: awx
  password: myawxpassword
  sslmode: prefer
  type: unmanaged
type: Opaque

If you would like to also use your own AWX admin password, it should also be created in k8s secret beforehand.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: awx-admin-password
  namespace: awx
  password: awxadminpassword
type: Opaque

AWX instance creation

Make sure that you have the AWX operator running before creating an AWX instance. AWX operator must be running in the same namespace where you are creating the AWX instance. Use the below manifest file to create an AWX instance. This manifest also includes the resource requirements and limits for AWX components.

kind: AWX
  name: awx
  namespace: awx
  service_type: loadbalancer
  image_version: 21.0.0
  admin_password_secret: awx-admin-password
  postgres_configuration_secret: external-postgres-configuration
      cpu: "1"
      memory: 2Gi
      cpu: "2"
      memory: 4Gi
      cpu: "1"
      memory: 2Gi
      cpu: "2"
      memory: 4Gi
      cpu: "1"
      memory: 2Gi
      cpu: "2"
      memory: 4Gi

This manifest creates the AWX tower with a load balancer service as defined service_type. The external IP of the AWX instance can be fetched via the following command in the EXTERNAL-IP column:

					$ kubectl get svc -n awx

Upgrading AWX version

Upgrading the AWX is as simple as just changing the image_version to the desired release in the above manifest file and applying it again.

Creating backup for external Postgres DB

This method uses the pg_dump utility for taking the snapshot of Postgres database via Kubernetes cronjob. AWX operator also supports awxbackupCRD but it provides little flexibility on backup schedule, destination, and compression methods.

Creating backup cronjob:

Below is the example of Cronjob which runs every two hours to take the Postgres DB snapshot and stores it in a local PVC called awx-backup. The Postgres credential are provided to this cronjob via a k8s secret called awx-postgres-configuration.

					apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  name: awx-postgres-backup
  namespace: awx
  concurrencyPolicy: Allow
  failedJobsHistoryLimit: 3
      backoffLimit: 3
          - command:
            - bash
            - -c
            - "set -e -o pipefail  \nDATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M)\nBACKUP=/backups/awx-backup-$DATE.db\nPGPASSWORD=$password
              pg_dump --clean --create -h $host -U $username -d $database -p $port
              -F custom | gzip > $BACKUP.gz\necho \"backup succesfull\"\n"
            - secretRef:
                name: awx-postgres-configuration
            image: awx-backup-image:latest
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            name: awx-backup
            - mountPath: /backups
              name: backup-volume
          dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
          - name: backup-volume
              claimName: awx-backup
  schedule: "0 */2 * * *"

The awx-backup-image image used in the above cronjob is a custom docker image and can be built using the below Dockerfile.

					FROM alpine:3.15
RUN apk --no-cache add postgresql12-client
ENTRYPOINT [ "psql" ]

Restoring AWX instance from database dump from the backup

Data Backups are only as good as the backup testing procedure. It’s of utmost importance to regularly test database backups by restoring them on a test instance. This section provided instructions on how to restore the AWX Postgres database snapshot.

On the fresh Postgres DB instance, create a new awx user and awx database and assign the required permissions. You would need a password for the Postgres DB user and a new password for awx user to be created. First access the Postgres DB instance using psql command below:

					$ PGPASSWORD=<postgres_db_pass> psql -h <postgres_db_hostname_or_ip> -U postgres -p 5432
> create database awx;
> create user awx with encrypted password 'dbpassword';
> grant all privileges on database awx to awx;

Note: AWX db password should be the same as set in the original AWX instance. Now import the AWX database dump using pg_restore command as follow:

					$ PGPASSWORD=<awx_db_pass> pg_restore --clean --if-exists -U awx -d awx -p 5432 -h <postgres_db_hostname_or_ip> <awx-db-dump>.db

Next, point AWX fronted to a new database instance by changing the host field in k8s secret named external-postgres-db-secret.

					kubectl -n awx patch secrets external-postgres-db-secret --patch "{\"data\":{\"host\":\"$(echo <postgres_db_hostname_or_ip> | base64 -w 0)\"}}"


In this article, I have tried to explain the process of installing ansible tower aka AWX using AWX-operator with an external Postgres database. I have also listed the steps for taking frequent backups of AWX instances using k8s cronjobs and also the restore method as part of the disaster recovery process.

Writer // KUMORION BLOG //
Shankar Lal

Enthusiastic DevOps learner and sometimes like to write about his experiences for community awareness.

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